Lamborghini Miura Restoration Rebuilding of Engine Lid.
This post continues the restoration project for the Lamborghini Miura with rebuilding of the engine lid.
Lamborghini Miura engine lid steel framework straightened and rust repairs completed. New aluminum trunk compartment.
Lamborghini Miura trunk compartment with new closing panels trial fitted.
Lamborghini Miura wooden hammer form for creating rear aluminum wheel houses.
Lamborghini Miura new aluminum wheel house inner sections.
Completed wheel house with new section. Entire panel re-shaped on English wheel.
Wooden hammer forms for creating aluminum tail lamp pockets for Lamborghini Miura.
Newly formed tail lamp pocket welded together for Lamborghini Miura.
Finished shaped tail lamp pocket with fitted bezel for Lamborghini Miura.
Lamborghini Miura completed tail lamp panel trial fitted to engine lid frame.
Internal view of completed tail lamp panel of Lamborghini Miura.