356 Porsche Speedster Restoration Front Structure Fabrication.
This post of the 356 Porsche Speedster restoration front structure fabrication highlights metal shaping, welding, and lead work.
Fabricating 356 Speedster front inner structure using traditional coachbuilding skills.
First fitting of new structural panels of 356 Speedster.
Newly fabricated and installed clips and mounts for trunk of 356 Speedster.
Inner structure of 356 Speedster primed and accurately located in preparation for final welding.
Front inner structure of 356 Speedster welded as per original.
356 Porsche Speedster newly fabricated front closing panels being trial fitted.
Positioning original seats of 356 Speedster to accurately locate new mounting pads.
Completion of all front structure of 356 Porsche Speedster.
Filing lead finished area of front frame rail of 356 Speedster.