1947 Hudson Pickup Truck Restoration.
Fabrication in steel of complete truck bed of 1947 Hudson Pickup Truck Restoration.
Creating new bed rails on milling machine for Hudson pickup truck restoration.
Correcting shape of new bed rail with Pullmax die for Hudson pickup restoration.
1947 Hudson pickup truck restoration with newly formed bed sides.
Hudson pickup truck restoration showing newly formed bed wheel houses.
Newly formed bed side valances of Hudson pickup truck restoration.
Hudson pickup truck restoration showing newly fabricated truck bed parts pre-primed for welding assembly.
Mocking up on surface plate newly fabricated bed for welding in Hudson pickup truck restoration.
Hudson pickup truck restoration showing spot welding bed together.
Welding newly fabricated stanchions for Hudson pickup restoration.
Metal finished welds in new bed stanchions in Hudson pick-up truck restoration.
Hudson pickup truck restoration showing two newly fabricated bed stanchions.
Rough straightening heavy damage to left rear fender in Hudson pickup truck restoration.
Hudson pickup truck restoration showing tack welded newly fabricated arch and flanges.
Rough straightened left and right rear fenders with newly shaped wheel arch and flanges welded into place. Ready for metal finishing.